Nomadic Fitness Blog

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How I Train Glutes & Legs | The Best Exercises with Full Form Breakdown


In this video, I'm walking you through a typical glutes & hamstrings workout for me, focusing on the BEST exercises in existence to seriously pump up that peach and sculpt that lower body!

GLUTE ACTIVATION (1 time through)

Banded Lateral Walks, 20 reps
Banded Squats, 20 reps
Banded Squatted Abductions, 20 reps
Banded Glute Bridges + Abductions, 20 reps
Banded Elevated Abductions, 20 reps


Sumo Deadlifts, 3x8-12 reps
Banded Barbell Hip Thrusts, 4x8-10 reps (straight into)
Burnout Pulses, 4x5 reps
Bulgarian Split Squats, 3x8-12 reps per leg
Lying Leg Curls, 3x8-12 reps
Glute-Ham Raises, 3x15-20 reps

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